Brian Keith Carvalho

I can do all things through him who strengthens me. - Phillipians 4:13

What separates Bloggers from the Influencers?

By 6:50 am

A few days back, blogger Lindsey Parry of published a very well-written piece called,
  'Crimes of social media and blogging' stressing on the need for organic growth and stemming hype.

From the brand marketer point of view, I am in agreement to many of the points she raised. It is unfortunate to see the current crop of online celebrities within the UAE resorting to less than ethical standards.

As such, we as a brand usually count in a number of different factors before taking the decision of tying up with a bloggers or Influencers. These include but aren't limited to - Alexa ranking, Klout Score, PTAT statistics on Facebook, Comments on previous reviews/blog posts and interaction on social media (i.e. does the person only promote themself or are they recognized by blogger peer groups too?).

If I could give one tip to those influencers looking to tie-up with brands in 2016, it would be this - GET A WEBSITE. Make sure you own the domain too. None of that XYZ, or stuff.

This one move gives you so much credibility, it is often what helps us make our decisions regarding tie-ups!

Think about it - however famous you are on social media, your existence on those platforms is largely because they're allowing you to operate there. Facebook allows you to have a page and get those fans. Who knows, tomorrow it may decide that Pages aren't effective anymore and *poof* all the fans you spent eons collecting are gone.

In the meanwhile, when you get a website, you own A to Z of what goes on to you website. Your pageviews are yours to keep. You design it, so you know best about what it might need in the future. You run a competition on your blog - you see the traffic come in and that database grow.

I sure hope this is some food for thought.

Le fin.

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